Kerala Patent Support Scheme 2022 Online Registration

Kerala Patent Support Scheme
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Kerala Patent Support Scheme | Patent Support Scheme Online Registration | Patent Support Scheme Patent Reimbursement

Kerala Government is giving several benefits to the residents of Kerala through various schemes like Kerala Medisep Scheme, Kerala Viswakarma Pension Scheme, and Kerala Foreign Edu Scheme. These schemes have become very helpful to the Beneficiaries of the states. Recently Kerala Government, through Kerala Startup Mission has launched a Scheme called Patent Support Scheme, where support is provided For Startups and Student entrepreneurs who are able to secure a patent. To learn more about the Patent Support Scheme Online Application and Benefits of the Patent Support Scheme, Please read this article till the end. 

What is the Patent Support Scheme? 

The Chief Minister of Kerala launched the Patent Support Scheme under the Kerala Startup mission for Patent Reimbursement. The Patent Support Scheme intends to support startup entrepreneurs and student entrepreneurs by reimbursing the patent cost including consultation fee, subject to a limit of Rs. 2 Lakh per India Patent awarded. For awarded Foreign Patents on a single subject matter, up to Rs. 10 lakh will be reimbursed. The reimbursement of the Patent will be provided in three steps Filing, Prosecution, and award.

Kerala Medisep Scheme

Key Highlights of The Patent Support Scheme

Scheme namePatent Support Scheme
Launched ByCM Pinnarayi Vijayan
categoryKerala Government Schemes
Official Website

The Objective of the Patent Support Scheme?

Patent Support Scheme

The main objective of the Patent Support Scheme is to give better opportunities to startup entrepreneurs and Student entrepreneurs by giving them reimbursement for their Patents. Through this Scheme, they will be able to learn new technologies.

Benefits of the Patent Support Scheme

  • Rs.2 lakh will be awarded for every Indian Patent.
  • Rs.10 will be provided for every international Patent
  • Provisional Patents Filings, Patent Search, Drafting, Filings, Claims Preparations, Fast Tracking Fees, Claims Prosecution, And Granting of all these activities Will be covered.
  • Activities of Prosecution against Appellate Authorities who have already rejected your claims due to valid reasons and Patent Renewals are not covered.
  • The Patent Support Scheme will support only Patents, not trademarks, Copyrights, or any other Intellectual Property Rights.

Eligibility Criteria For The Patent Support Scheme

  • The Patent Applications which were filed only after 09 November 2015 will be considered.
  • Patent Support can be directly applied by Student Entrepreneurs through their IEDs.
  • For a startup, it should be a legal entity registered with RoC as Pvt Ltd or LLP. This scheme is not applicable to innovators.
  • The startup must be registered in Kerala, within 10 years from the date of incorporation, and must have a DIPP and Udyog Aadhar.
  • For student entrepreneurs, support will be given only to those who are pursuing academic courses.
  • The Patent Support Scheme does not extend support to patent renewals and Prosecution against Appellate authorities who have already rejected one’s patent Claims.

Application Process for the Patent Support Scheme

The Application Process for the Patent Support Scheme will be of four Steps

Patent Support Scheme

Step 1: Online Application

Applications for the Patent Reimbursement can be submitted online through the official website in the following ways

Patent Support Scheme
  • Click Here to apply online in the Patent Support Scheme.
  • After clicking on the link you must click on the Don’t have Startup India Login.
  • After following the link fill in the entity details, the Full address of the Office authorized representative details and some personal information.
  • Now after self-declaration, you can click on the Submit button. 

Step 2: Hard Copy Submission

After successful submission of the online application to the Patent Support Scheme, a Hard copy of the following documents must be submitted to the KSUM, you can also courier or submit to any KSUM Office.

  • Originals of Invoices & Receipts by an authorized or recognized IP Consultant.
  • The bank statement was verified by the Bank manager.

Step 3: Processing

After you have completed steps 1 and step 2, you can call the KSUM representative to confirm the documents, and after the completeness of the documents, the necessary e-file approval process is initiated.

Step 4: Fund Release

On successful verification of all the documents, an E-file approval is taken for reimbursement by the KSUM representative. Then a payment treasure cheque will be given in the name of Startup entrepreneurs or Student entrepreneurs. 

Documents Required for the Online Application of The Patent Support Scheme

  • An original hard copy of the Invoice and Receipt with an authorized seal and signature from a registered consultant.
  • The original bank statement Clearly shows the amount transferred.
  • A brief write-up of the Claims applied for a patent
  • Copy of provisional Patent Certificate
  • Patent certificate, if Patent Received
  • Copies of Various forms (Patent application, early publish, or respective Receipts from IPR
  • Residence Proof Details of the Directors
  • Company incorporation Documents
  • Copy of assigning and assignor agreement
  • NOC from the original inventor for reimbursing the Patent cost to the startup to be furnished
  • If the Patent is filed before forming or registering the company, then such patent costs are reimbursed to startups, where the filed patent idea or technology is being pursued by the startup for building business.
  • Canceled Cheque of the company and bank details clearly showing Bank details and IFSC code.

Documents for Student Entrepreneurs:

  • Original Hard copy of invoice and Receipt with authorized seal and signature from IPR India for consultant charges.
  • Original Bank statement showing Money transfer verified by the Bank Manager.
  • Recommendation letter from IEDC stating that student entrepreneur is an active member of the IEDC and Project is genuine.
  • A brief write-up of ideas and claims applied for a patent.
  • Copy of provisional Patent Certificate, of any
  • Patent certificate, in case of a patent, Received.
  • Copied various Forms relevant to the Patent of receipt from IPR
  • Residence Proof Details
  • Letter from colleges certifying the applying student is currently a student of their institution, signed by the Principal or equivalent authority.
  • Future Plans of the Project
  • Self Declaration by the Student.

Helpline Number :

For support you contact Customer Representative: 08047180470

FAQs Related to The Patent Support Scheme

What is Kerala Patent Support Scheme?

Kerala Patent Support Scheme was launched by the chief minister of Kerala state to give Patent Reimbursement to Startup entrepreneurs and student entrepreneurs.

What are the benefits of the Patent Support Scheme?

There are several benefits of this scheme. There will be a provision of Reimbursement of Rs. 2 lakh per Indian patent and Rs. 10 lakhs per international Patent.

How to Apply for a Patent Support Scheme?

To apply online, you must visit the official website and click here for online Registration. You will be required original documents of the Startup or the Project. 

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